Pleasant Union Church offers Sunday School for all ages every week at 10:00 am. We have classes for preschool and kindergarten, first through third grades, and fourth through sixth grades, as well as middle school, high school, and adults. Our children's Sunday School classes are led by adult volunteers, many of them professional teachers, and lessons are well-planned and coordinated across grade levels. Because we take our children's safety seriously here at Pleasant Union, all adults working with children in our church have a background check and are approved by a member of the pastoral staff. If you would like to know more about our "Safe Sanctuaries" policy, please ask one of the pastors or contact the church office.
Every Sunday morning during the 11:00 am worship service, children from age three through first grade are dismissed following the children's message to participate in children's church. While the worship service continues in the sanctuary, the children participate in an age appropriate Bible lesson, a craft project, and a prayer, supervised by one of our Sunday School teachers and a youth or second adult. Children will be released from children's church to a parent or guardian only. They are also welcome to remain in the sanctuary with their parent or guardian.
In the fall of 2020, Pleasant Union Church will launch a new after school ministry on Thursday afternoons between the end of school and "Our Table." We are still in the planning stages of this ministry, but are very excited about the possibilities! More information coming soon!